We are a friendly group of amateur flautists who meet to rehearse weekly and give regular public performances. We meet in the Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre on a Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.
On 3 November, 2024, we are playing at Kessington Hall, Bearsden at 2.30pm, along with Kessington Clarinets.

Over lockdown we had to meet by Zoom, and during this time we put together the first movement of Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusic – big thanks to Aisling for organising this. We are now meeting again in person each Tuesday evening, apart from a short summer break.
We are lucky to have two very talented conductors: Rachel Forbes and Linda Spears. They lead us through a wide repetoire from classical to rock and everything in between.
We are open to any players who can read music and are of a standard of around Grade 4 or above. Drop us an email at flutephonics@gmail.com and we’ll arrange for you to attend a rehearsal to see what you think.
We give regular public performances, often in aid of various charities, in Glasgow and surrounding areas.

Palm Sunday Concert, 14 April 2019
Flute Phonics is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC047931.