Advent Concert

Once again we are playing at Govan and Linthouse Parish Church. This will take place on November 24th at the New Govan Church, 796 Govan Road,  at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £5 and can be purchased at the door. There will be a mixture of music, old and new, with much having a seasonal theme.

During the interval there will be the usual excellent refreshments and a raffle. All moneys raised will be shared between Govan and Linthouse Parish Church and Flute Phonics.

2019-20 Calendar

 2019-2020 Events

We started the year by playing for the opening session of St Paul’s Milngavie Guild on October 7th. There was a good turn out and everyone seemed to enjoy the music.

We have the following events over the coming months.

Govan and Linthouse Advent Event

We will be playing in Govan and Linthouse Parish Church on  24th November – the week just before Advent begins.

Glasgow Music Festival 2020

We are taking part again this year and will be playing towards the middle of March.